Evacuation Drill Scheduled for 3:30 PM August 10, 2015

Published August 10, 2015 at 2:12 PM This content is archived.

General Evacuation Procedures

  • The occupants of all University at Buffalo buildings are required to immediately evacuate the building when the fire alarm system is activated. Persons shall not enter the building until advised that it is safe to do so by the University Police after the building has been declared safe by the fire department on location.
  • Building evacuees will assemble in predetermined "Assembly Areas" where they will wait for clearance to re-enter the building.
  • A system to determine if employees have evacuated to the assembly areas will be created and implemented. (The names of all those individuals present in the assembly area will be recorded or checked-off an existing form or list, as a first step in determining if anyone is missing.)
  • A system to determine the identity of students who may have been in the evacuated building will be created and implemented. (The names of all those individuals present in the assembly area will be recorded or checked off an existing form or list, such as class rosters, as a first step in determining if anyone is missing.)
  • Persons Requiring Assistance: See supplement on procedures for emergency evacuation of individuals with disabilities. Refer to: Emergency Procedures for Employees with Disabilities in Office Occupancies. Published by: Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration (Maryland).

Building Fire Prevention & Evacuation Plan

Each Building will have a Building Fire Prevention and Evacuation Plan (483 KB) (pdf). This document will assist you in developing your plan. The fire prevention component is based on New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC), Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH), and federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. Once organized, the Building Representatives assist in the development of the plan. The plan includes the process of organizing the Building Representatives into the Fire Prevention and Evacuation Committee that will identify main exit routes, fire suppression equipment, fire alarm activation devices, and facilitates evacuation from the building, as well as identifies assembly areas for the occupants, and determines accountability after people have evacuated. Training, organizational meetings, and identification of assembly areas are facilitated by EH&S Fire and Life Safety Division. Plans should be reviewed at least once annually.

Fire Evacuation Drills

Fire evacuation drills test the process of exercising the Building Occupants’ abilities to evacuate from a building. Resident Life areas and Assembly areas must have 4 annual drills, and all other buildings must have 3 annual drills in accordance with the New York State Fire Code.  Go to http://emergency.buffalo.edu/ub-emergency-planning.html for emergency updates and information.